ORCD Newsletter: October 2024

Above the Fold

Nobel Prize in Physics

The 2024 Physics Nobel Prize recognizes the work of Hopfield and Hinton in connecting physical and neural networks in emergent phenomena. The Chemistry Prize recognizes Baker, Hassabis, and Jumper for their work using these tools to understand proteins. We can look forward to a resurgent interest from physicists, chemists, and others in the sciences in exploring this connection between AI tools and the physical world.

Open Data Prizes on Campus

Data is a vital ingredient for AI and all research. This month the MIT Libraries held an awards event for their annual Open Data celebration. Ten projects presented inspiring work that spanned from atmospheric dust transport and deposition to an open database of 2020 US election cast vote records. You can learn about their important projects here.

What We’re Reading

Coming Soon

Lambda Labs One-Click GPU Access

Through our partnership with Lambda Labs, ORCD plans to start offering burst access to GPUs through the Lambda One-Click service soon. We’ve received a donor commitment, and we’re currently working on implementation steps. We want to gauge potential use, so if you have not already expressed interest, contact us at orcd-help@mit.edu.

AWS ML blocks in Research Engineering Studio Beta

With AWS we are planning subsidized ML GPU and Tranium blocks through the AWS Research Engineering Studio beta, available on request at https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org. If you are interested in trying this service let us know at orcd-help@mit.edu.

HPC and Research Computing Events

  • SC 24, November 17-22, 2024, Atlanta, Georgia.

    • The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

    • The Program is designed to share best practices in areas such as: algorithms; applications; architectures and networks; clouds and distributed computing; data analytics, visualization, and storage; machine learning and HPC; performance; programming systems; system software; and state of the practice in large-scale deployment and integration.